peligrosa all-star, dj, producer & all around badass sonora has graciously let me post his brand new remix of puerto rican raggaeton/hip-hop duo calle 13's "la jirafa", from their self-titled debut studio album. sonora dropped a little taste of paradisio's "vamos a la discoteca" into the mix.
show some <3 over @ sonora's vimeo account.
& get your copy of the "siempre fresco ep" @ sonora's bandcamp. makes for a great digital stocking stuffer for all the booty shakers in your life!
happy festivus from yours truly.
last night peligrosa brought some much needed heat to a cold/cold city. master blaster sound system outta corpus christi showed who's boss in new-cumbia.
everybody was looking tight &/or real.
& them peligrosa chains were... well, off the proverbial chain!
had me a good ol' time w/many, many friends.
hope y'all like!
i've been a lazy fotog blogger lately.
i've been a pretty lazy fotog, period.
here are a few foto sets from the last month.
good times were had.
thanks to all the friends who shared 'em w/me.
hangar lounge, zombies for money, orion, pagame, king louie, anna love, hoodie allen, broken teeth, bridge farmers, theophilus london, the ND, beauty bar, dj hero d, kid slyce, rock well, plush, peligrosa, table manners, prince klassen, knuckle rumbler, oh snap!, east side drive-in, transmission entertainment
this here is my homeboy pagame's re-edit of dirty boyz' all i want for christmas.
hope y'all got your dancin' elves shoes on.
make yo' selves some strong vegan egg-nog.
now, let's party!
the rules in the senate are confusing to say the least.
the days of mr. smith goes to washington are long gone.
current rules allow for minority senators to just threaten to filibuster a bill w/out actually standing up in front of the american people & speak her mind about her disagreement. a simple threat can railroad the passage of a bill and cause it to require a super-majority of 60 votes to pass.
every bill now has to pass w/a 60 vote majority.
whatever happened to a simple majority?!?!
in this waning 111th congress, the house of representatives passed an astounding 400+ bills thanks to the tireless work of Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
regardless of all those PASSED bills, the majority of them went on to DIE at the bottleneck that is the U.S. senate.
here's to Vermont's fearless senator Bernie Sanders and those who have stood in to help him in this TRUE filibuster, sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA):
as much as this is a blog on fotos, sometimes politiks, sometimes film/movies, & seldom quirky/funny shit; the one unifying thing that keeps it together is music.
this is gonna be a music post.
this one is about one of my biggest fails in life.
i was perusin' the interwebz when i came across a blog post from boy-cott magazine about a new documentary, directed by michael rappaport, on legendary hip hop crew a tribe called quest.
this is where that major fail in life dawned on me.
a tribe called quest was the 2nd CD i ever bought [1st CD will be the subject of another post in the 'fail in life' series]. midnight marauders truly saved me from being some wannabe thuglet in northwest austin back in the early 90's. it opened up my ears to a different type of hip hop. one that wasn't about violence or the objectification of women. one that was influenced by jazz and bebop and so much more.
phife dawg + q-tip + ali shaheed muhammad + [sometimes] jarobi weren't larger than life, they were dudes who loved music, they were like any homie i had in school, but with talent galore.
i went on to seek all of a tribe called quest's music and any other music related to the native tongues posse. they were my gateway drug into my lifelong addiction w/hip hop music.
so, here's where i've failed: i never got to see these hip hop heroes live.
they even toured again sometime in 2006-07.
i thought i'd have another chance.
here's a preview of the documentary:
i usually catch my hippie/liberal/socialist/commie propaganda the next day, online. so, sorry if you've already seen this. rachel is out on vacation, but chris hayes does a great job fillin' in for her.
i really liked this section about things to be thankful for. things we usually take for granted and are vilified by the right wing.
we sure know how to throw a party down hurrrrr!
finally got cold in austin, in time for @dave nada to heat tings up w/the peligrosa crew @ club deville.
before dave got to bust out some tracks, some dummy @ the red river flats across the street called 5-0 to send our dancin' asses inside the club.
despite this interruption in moombahton services, the party picked up right where pagame/hobo d/dj orión/sonora/manolo black left off. dave sure got everyone sweatin' & dancin'. breakin' doors & windows. glad the narcs didn't show up for that!
before the fotos, check out this rad video flier that orión put together:
on monday night, msnbc's the rachel maddow show got to interview the latest abortion provider who has become a target of the infamous "wanted" posters. the posters that the anti-choice movement claims is not their doing and/or should be protected as free speech.
it's a pretty chilling view into the courage it takes to do this job. a life SAVING job. a LEGAL job.
it's scary how the anti-choice movement pushes all this hate/fear-mongering, then when some nut-job murders an abortion provider, they just claim "it wasn't us! we didn't mean for nut-job X to KILL abortion provider Y"
it takes an amazing amount of hubris for these people to just claim there's no blood on their hands in these cold-blooded murderers.
if you can, please donate to your local or national planned parenthood. they need all the help they can get.
i find this humorous.
not the "joke" itself, obviously, but just the fact that "they" think it's humorous.
everyone has this.
everyone has a side of their family that they don't agree with politically.
i'm sure they also think my hippie/liberal/fag-lovin'/socialist/heathen "jokes" are dumb.
the thing about it is that when we all get together during the holidays, we can put all that aside & sit down for a nice dinner & cold adult bevvies, have conversations about what's going on in our lives, how the "kids" are doing & all that.
the fact that i find their points of views moronic, doesn't keep me from loving these people.
i got this email from my cousin with the following text:
"A good laugh… I apologize if you get offended… sometimes the truth hurts! ;) There's an old saying that seems to apply: Creative minds are rarely tidy. I've used that often to explain my desk/workspace.
A picture is worth a thousand words...........
A person's mind and his desk..........."
just to recap:
creative minds = messy desks
"geniuses" = messy desks = creative
obama [doing an address to the nation, btw] = "numb nuts"
barrels filled w/laughter.
numb nuts who "wrote" this joke = messy desk = creative? = genius? [THAT should've been the punchline!]
...& cares very little about their audience & their audience just laps it up.
but that's the right & it's the way they do shit & that's not the reason i'm writing abou† this.
i want to show how succinctly and fairly cnn's anderson cooper just busts this incredibly stupid rumor right outta the water.
check it out:
this is the type of red meat conservatives love and it's a precursor to my next post.
hey y'all!
this is my last get-out-the-vote/elections post.
if you need to find your precinct go to this link & put in your name or voter registration number. it'll tell you where you last registered.
remember today you have to vote at the precinct where you're registered, find your precinct below:
a great night to kick it w/tons of great people in awesome costumes & amazing musicians/dj's.
not a good night for me & my camera though. had some issues w/the flash, so lots of shots are outta focus [surprisingly annoying to manual focus while drinkin' & partyin' heavily].
i will make it up to all my holmes @ peligrosa's friday night fun fun fun fest after party @ the nd & soul of the boot/strangetribe's next night fever @ republic live w/king britt. chico mann was nothin' short of awesome! dj orión + pagame + manolo black + hobo d + sonora + vj silencio brought only the good shit as they always do!
thanks to everyone for makin' this a super fun night.
my boy 'the bone' over @ giant steps productions & the lovely ashley whipped up a great zombie soirée on the east side of austin's drinkin' scene.
it all started out @ the liberty, where 30 undead joined up for some tasty zombie hour draaanks.
stop numbero dos was the new joint on the east 6th block, italo's pizza, where the zombie crew doubled in size!. benny from now dead creekside & still kickin' 04 lounge fame is makin' some really tasty pizza's @ this cool spot. please check 'em out when you get hungries.
stop numero tres was the brixton, where we met up w/so many zombies that i pretty much lost count. either that or i got tipsy!
stop numero cuatro was rio rita. i was not able to get their famed tasty bevies 'cause the line was just nuts! good time though. lots of great zombies!
stop numbero cinco was @ cheer up charlie's, where we met up w/zombies & bears & got to enjoy some fine tunes from the appropriately named butcher bear & charlie. no bevies @ this fine establishment either 'cause of the loooong zombie lines & lack of ca$h :(
the night got sweatier & bloodier @ the last stop of the crrrawl, iron gate. peligrosa's very own pagame & hobo d made our undead bodies rock w/a special guest spot from raw word chief dj orión.
though this first[?] east side zombie pub crawl pales in comparison to the big daddy crawl in minneapolis, we still got a great group of party people out for a super fun time.
thanks to all the bars, to james & ashley for putting together a great event & to all the pretty zombies for coming out.
enjoy my amigos muertos!
as of this post, there's a little over an hour left of early voting here in central texas, so if you can, find a voting site here [remember, during early voting you can cast your ballot from any location! whichever is closest to you].
if you won't get a chance to vote before super tuesday, you'll have to vote at the precinct where you're registered, find your precinct below:
y'all remember that asshole who made up the story about his kid sneaking into a balloon & it flew away?
well, he's gotta new invention to sell ya'!
luckily this one won't fly away:
check out illinois immigrant action's funny sock-puppet video to encourage young latinos to get out there & vote for the IL senate race between democratic state treasurer alexi giannoulias and congressperson mark kirk:
raw word records chief & peligrosa all stardj orión will be rockin' your bodies after fun fun fun fest's friday line-up.
this official party will get nuts! the nd is a really cool place w/a giant screen that will be lit up by vj m.e.t.a.
this is gonna cost ya': $5 w/ffffest wristband or $10 w/out.
do some homework, get familiar w/orión's new boombahchero set HERE.
come have fun w/one of the best digi-cumbia crews in the nation!
this interview was done last night, during lawrence o'donnell's the last word.
it's a great view of the lead-up to mr. burns' epic speech at the fort worth city council.
something that mr. angle, a political consultant, said really made an impression on me & it's something that politicians should live by:
"when our elected officials and our public servants act with courage and integrity, they're almost always right."
words to represent by.
hey chica/os of the austin area!
even though it ain't sexxxy like in '08, we still need to get out & vote in these midterm elections.
the experts are saying that the youth will stay @ home this election year. make them eat those words.
pretty please! w/candy on top.
check out the file below [it will update automatically via travis county elections dept.] & find the convenientest spot for you to pull that lever. whichever side you swing for, just make sure your voice is heard.
question goes something like this: "tell me the company you keep, and i'll tell you what you are."
then, lemme answer like this: imma kick ass artist...
my buddy orión is gettin' on the forefront of the boombahchero genre with his latest compilation.
click on 'em legs! you know you want to:
don't be stingy! drop some dollar$ on it...
best deal this side of the mason dixon.
this is from the "it gets better" series started by dan savage & his husband.
it truly feels that we are the cusp of a great wave of change for our gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered sisters and brothers. i feel that soon they will have ALL the rights we heterosexuals take for granted.
please watch it & share it:
this looks pretty damn good...
this feels pretty damn good...
this sounds pretty damn good too!!!
pretty stoked to know zeale
pretty stoked that he's doing so well
pretty stoked to have an austin mc rep'n tejas
check out his newest video for monzter hozpital:
keep a lookout for his new mixtape, DISASTERKRFT, droppin' at the end of this month...
dang! i wish antoine & his fam the best!
way to use those 15 minutes for good mayn.
& i'm such a huge-rrrr fan of the gregory brothers. been checkin' their stuff out since rachel maddow had 'em on their show last year.
just caught this @rachel maddow's show blog.
says that their ad was done by spike lee. don't know if they were all directed by him, but they're all pretty damn cool.
it's probably the politiksnerd in me talkin'...
check it out:
tried to avoid the austin city limits festival as much as possible this year. got to leave town for work on thursday & even had a chance to stop in houston to hang w/one of my besties in her new/old digs.
couldn't stay away for the epicness @ @booty bar saturday night though. noise pop duo, @sleigh bells, were brought to town by the @learning secrets crew. i made it back to town just in time to wait during the longest soundcheck ever! i think there were some issues w/a sound board or something like it, whatever it was, it took a long time to get derek & alexis on stage. during the 2nd song, alexis' vocals were barely audible, but after that speed bump everything went smoothly. short. but smooth.
this was the 2nd time to see slay bells, & they have lived up to the slay part both times.
check out all the side stage shots i took!
i read/listen/watch/breathe/eat/drink politics 23/7.
y'all may have noticed.
we're less than a month away from the midterm elections.
the meme is that democrats are plagued by an "enthusiasm gap".
the meme is that democrats are going to lose big this election.
the meme is that in the last year + 1/2, the administration hasn't done anything/enough.
the reality is that while we're not out of the shit hole [dug by politicians of the republican persuasion], we ARE on our way out of said shit hole.
took 8 years, for a previous administration & a compliant senate/house of reps, to get us in said shit hole.
com'n sonnn! it's gonna take a bit longer & lots MORE hard work to get out of it.
friend of this blog, prince klassen, is moving to the big apple to fulfill his dream of eating real jew donuts.
though we are sad to see 'im off, we wish 'im the best w/those jew donuts.
i could do a bunch of google "research" to verify this, but monday nights @ nasty's is the longest running hip hop night in the universe. dj mel & prince wreck it every night sonnnnnn!!!
check it here:
peligrosa does it again on a sunday funday!
this time zzk records' el g came along w/half of frikstailers, lisandro sona (aka sandro lee, aka dj sandro de america).
thanks to hobo d + sonora + manolo black + dj orión for bringin' the heat & keepin' that dance floor full of ass shakin' cuties!
check out the estilo:
this was last week's epic @PELIGROSA party @ club deville. @sonora's debut as the latest member of one of the hottest dj crews this side of the mason-dixon.
el jefe, @dj orión, presente!
el veterano, @manolo black, presente!
el gavacho, @hobo d, presente!
el young gun, @pagame, presente!
el productor, @dj dus, presente!
hope the fotos show how good a time everyone had.
hope you can join us next time!
hope you enjoy...
anyone out ther... a; ioeht;vsg
oops, sorry, i was rotfl. anyone out there! right!
anyway, i'd really like to know what other tax experts think about this piece.
i'm always skeptical of republicans & their chicken shit rhetoric hiding behind the "small business" fallacy.
countdown does a good job showing what kind of businesses abuse the s-corporation rule to maximize profits in spite of the well-being of the country & government.
just ran into this via @maddowblog.
i <3 dan savage. he's one of the funniest/cleverest/smartest sex columnists around [check out savage love here]
this is a wonderful project where people talk about how their lives get better in the context of growing up gay.
here's the link to the youtube channel:
got a chance to meet this trio of awesomeness during sxsw oh ten. they were being interviewed by karma loop clothing @ beauty bar, right next to my foto booth set up. the lead singer, tiombe lockhart, was just off the chain! the group was asked "what are the best tacos in austin?" by the KL interviewer, as the other 2 members of CZ answered, her response was something along the lines of "right now, it's my pink taco" BOOM. i don't know if i was the only one who caught it, but she looked over at me & we giggled like a couple of 13 y/o's.
their music ain't bad either.
check out CZ's new video below.
<3'n it!
i think more artists need to take advantage of the name your own price format.
not sayin' this 'cause i'm a stingy piece of shit, but economists have actually studied it and found that it's a viable way to sell a product. check out what these nerds have found: freakonomics!
back to the musica! @peligrosa's new kid on the block, hailin' from san anotnio, joseph perez aka: @sonora, just drop'd the "siempre fresco" ep.
got to peep his skills last month during the @peligrosa party, then he drop'd some bombs last friday @ club deville.
highly recommend y'all download these 5 tracks & throw a few bones his way so we can hear more from this very talented homeboy!
my buddies got so much talent, they gotta have multiple outlets to let it all out.
nicolas luna's got castlenova
michael abraham's got betaplayer
yadira brown's got l.a.x.
nicky & ibrahim's side project, parking, is blowin' shit up! this time they opening up for l.a.'s busdriver.
yadira's sweet voice had to get on parking's new single.
i got to hang out w/'em as they rehearsed the song for the 1st time & only a couple of hours before their gig @ red 7.
check it out:
got to celebrate my homeboy & parking/betaplayer frontman ibrahim's birfday @ the new spot on the block, the ND at 501 studios, or formerly the independent.
bummed that i've never heard of beauty sleep, but i'd like to see/hear lots more!
then it was the saturday hip hop tradition @ plush, for wheel$ of $teel extraordinaire & table manners crew's own kidslyce. it's always good to party w/the fam!
cheers y'all!
my buddy trey aka manolo black invited me to the machete premiere afterpart @ austin studios. there were loads of free dos equis, apparently some tacos, austin cum l.a. types, celebrities like peligrosa all star @dj orión, lax's ms. erin j., ms. elise g. & mr. javier v.. oh, & danny trejo, michelle rodriguez, ken leung, robert rodriguez, davíd garza were also there.
from a quick night out on friday...
my homies from @unwed fathers did their thing @ thunderbird e., then a quick jaunt to booty bar for some dancin' w/my favorite ladies dj hero d, super host isabel j & lax's yadira b.
check it:
check out my homeboy ryan b., owner of Your Mom's Burger Bar, whippin' up an off menu monster burger called "the buford t. justice".
order it next time you're in the hood & bust a gut w/that beast!
p.s.: follow Your Mom's on twitter for weekly specials & heckuva deals!
guess who's got 2 thumbs & got sooooo high that he couldn't take any pictures during dead prez' set?!
thanks to all my buddies @ betaplayer for gettin' me in to the show. awesome performances from everyone who got on stage, including riders against the storm & dj chorizo funk keepin' the tunes bumpin' between sets.
from what i remember, dead prez were pretty fuckin' awesome. i recorded a couple of videos that i will soon post on me youtoob page.
super fuckin' intense night of music in austin on a motherfuckin' TUESDAY!
even though i missed @chromeo + holy ghost! @ stubb's, sammy bananas@booty bar, sharon jones & the dap kings @ la zona rosa; a great time was had @ red 7.
twas a night of hip hop & dark/progressive/rock @ red 7, quite a combination i must say.
boston's junius came thru town w/orbs + austin's woolgather & astronaut suit...
i gotta say, it was good to see junius durin' a non-sxsw date. check 'em out:
now, for the hip hop set... table manners' own @dj digg got the crowd all wet & warm for the roots' @?uestlove, who dropped by to drop some killer tunes on a lotta sweaty bodies.
thanks to @knuckle rumbler and proper entertainment for puttin' on a great show. check this:
fuckin' punk showcase send off for the krum bums' tour @red 7.
was aksed to take fotos of revenants with my buddies allen idle on vocals and the most prolific drummer this side of the mason dixon, eric idle.
headed over to club de ville for a lil' sweaty dancin' w/the @peligrosa all stars and special guest @jess jubilee from the big apple.
errrbody was out in full effect, dancin', sweatin', drinkin', smokin' & most importantly lookin' all kinds o' HAWWWT!!!
as always, thanks to the crew: @manolo black + @pagame + @dj orión + @hobo d + all of the friendly bodies that make this night so much fun. xo
el g + el remolon + chancha via circuito = some pretty chingon homies from zzk records in buenos aires, argentina.
the peligrosa all stars paid for these fellas to come thru austin during their u.s.a. tour.
been noticin' that sundays have been unusually slow, but a great turnout was had.
thanks to all the good friends who came out & thanks to @dj orion + @pagame + @manolo black + @hobo d for bringing the good times!
thanks for the @peligrosa fam for hookin' it up @ this swank azz private party!
what a fuckin' freak show via voodoo cowboy. 'em fools know how to throw down! open bar all fuckin' nite! fire dancers + painted/naked ladies + some great lookin' food [wasn't too hungry, didn't partake] + the who's who in austin!
had a foto boner from all the sexxxy mo'fo's: @manolo black + @pagame + @dj_orion + @hobo_d + @zeale + @dancewithlax + so many more!
got to meet some new buds from mejico, @da punto beat!
got suckered into takin' a dive into lady bird lake @ 3am.
damn you grrrrrrrzul!!!!
good friend of the fam & all around renaissance man, mark "showdown" medley, headed out to the warm sunny beaches of hawaii w/his lovely wife.
the least he could do is throw down one last time w/the incredible bob showdown & that raw good shit from the moltyverse @ the mohawk.
good friends were there to wish our friends good travels: unwed fathers + watching the moon + like dogs + jesse moore/hobomouth + bridge farmers [sorry for leaving early & not shootin' all the bands, it was a loooooong weekend of debauchary & had to work the next day. bwaaaaah bwaaaaaah bwaaaaaah!!!]
wish you the best out there medley's! keep it pimp! lionel richie style.
los unwed fathers played another acoustic set for their monthly residency @ thunderbird e [btw, great new site y'all!].
then i skeedaddled over to plush for my weekly dose of hip hop good shit from the table manners boys = kid slyce + dj tats
check out the steeelo here:
here we go!
great lil' showcase @ booty bar w/girl in a coma + eagle claw. there was also some really cool t-shirts being sling'd by pure grease.
dash'd across the street to creekside lounge to dance to some of that good orión/richard henry tunage.
sad to say that unbeknown to all of us, that would be the last night @ creekside lounge. the bar closed its doors the next week. some really good times were had there :'(
oh.well.anyone know where the next hot spot is? i'm totally outta the loop nowadays.
looky loo!
finally a new post.
mr. comandante has been a lazy boy.
these fotitos are from a quickie night out sometime in early july.
went into red7 for a quick minute & took 3 shots of some band from houston[?].
hopped over to booty bar for another knuckle rumbler joint, ft. congorock; then left 'cause my main competition was all over that gig. orión & ulovei opened up the night all nice & stuff.
cheers <3rs!
as usual this immigrant is eons late to the party! finally i caught my new platonic crush dj hero d's wednesday night party @ dirty bill's off west 6th st.
the evening's hostess, ms. @isabelj, made sure i caught all the pretty ladies/boys on "film".
unfortunately some shots will not be made public...
urgh! i can't believe i'm censoring myself! but will for a lady. gig-e-tee/gig-e-tee! you owe me a drink sleepin' beauty!!!
big ups to some of the @fast folks peeps, table manners peeps, some of the @l.a.x. peeps, some of the like dogs peeps, @glitoris & @natetron5000!!!