Thursday, February 25, 2010

and then jon stewart says what we're all thinking: "MOTHERFUCKER!"

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Summit's Eve
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Quito HumorVancouverage 2010

groundbreaking?! health care summit live stream

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

nouvelle vague @ the mohawk + table manners crew @ plush, february 13th 2010

it's ohhh so sweet...
nouvelle vague played their sultry/sexy/enticing set of bossa nova covers of punk/post punk/new wave [get it? nouvelle vague?!] classics @ the mohawk.
there were so many cute couples i nearly shit my jorts.

thanks to my main man manolo black for hookin' me up @ the door. you be da' man trey!

table manners crew's doc digg-a-licious & kid slyce wreck'd the decks w/some humpin'/bumpin' r&b jams to celebrate the <3 ho'liday @ plush:

weight @ plush or john-e-glock's last stand in 512 + prince klassen @ booty bar + 80's night @ barbarella

my man skinny john is moving out of ol' a-town.
i'm [and surely a lot of other peeps are] gonna miss him.
his last dj gig @ plush was recorded right below:
[also hung out w/my man prince klassen @ booty bar + killed the night @ the new hip spot in town: barbarella]

whoa! ultra8201 anni ft. politics @ ghost room + table manners crew vs. chicken george @ highball, january 28th 2010

howdy y'all! gave me an assignment: shoot politics @ the ghost room for ultra8201's birfday party.
this message will self destruct in 5 seconds!
everyone who's anyone was there: sailor legs, knuckle rumbler, annie ray, etc. etc. etc.

the table manners crew took on chicken george @ the highball. dancers beware!